I believe every person has a unique path to vibrant health and my job is to keep that goal in mind, providing guidance and options along the way.
I believe too many people settle for a negative definition of aging. I do not accept that aging means 'falling apart on schedule' and suffering with the passage of time. I have a high standard for my physical, mental, and spiritual health, improving every year. I hold the same vision for my patients.
The tools I use to fulfill my purpose include providing authentic leadership, sharing knowledge, offering successful treatments, and continually improving my skills and education. I am grateful for my work and the people I serve, and steadfast in my commitment to fulfill my purpose.
I believe many people settle for a negative definition of aging. I do not accept that aging means falling apart on schedule. I have a high standard for my physical, mental and spiritual health, improving every year. I hold the same vision for my patients.
9 Monroe Parkway, Suite 260, Lake Oswego, OR 97035
General Questions: daniel@hormonesynergy.com
Call Us: 503-230-7990